03 October, 2009

What's the secret code???

So. Tonight I was going to go to some Solstice Celebration for some Witch Society that my friend Ariadne is a part of. She invited me last night but it all sounded too Renaissance Fair-y to me so I declined. She told me it was at Kirby Cove though, and then I was kinda reconsidering... THEN I remembered that it is a full moon tonight, sooo I decided, "Why not?"
Now, you may perhaps be wondering, "WTF with the witchy stuff, Nicki?"
Well, I'm not a witch, nor do I have any plan to be one. Although 2 astrologers told me that I am a good witch, but I have no idea what that means. I am however open minded and thought with the full moon in such a gorgeous place, it would be a cool way to spend my evening.
I declined on the flowy wardrobe that Ariadne was offering to me, and I am glad I did... not just for the reason that I'm not flowy like that, it was super windy - but also because...
Ariadne didn't get the code to get down to Kirby Cove!!! You gotta have the secret code to get down the hill to park or you're kinda stuck.
We waited to see if some witches were gonna go down who knew the code, but none came. I guess they all came on their brooms??
oooooo bad bad bad hahahaaaa
Anyway, we decided that since we had loads of rad snacks, beers and such, we would go Witchless and hang out in the Headlands on our own.
This is the shit I love - plans change, you go with it... and who knows what awesomeness will follow?

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