21 February, 2009


I did it! I booked the Husky doggie in EA's "The Littlest Pet Shop"!! I really wanted it and I was crossing my fingers AND I also found a heads up penny that I wished on yesterday, and see??? It totally works!! I record on Tuesday and cannot wait. The other super rad thing about all this is that I also have a session for MySims 3 the first week of March... yeay for work!!
Yesterday was my last class and it was really great. I decided to challenge myself and I went for the Irish dialect... I was nervous because a few other people in class did it as well- and one of my classmates was born and raised in Clare, so that added some more pressure. I've been exposed to many dialects from the Emerald Isle, so I was worried it would sound like a Cork/Donegal/Dublin mishmash. Turns out I have a pretty good Dublin dialect going, and now I just really want to work on it so I can add it to my resume with confidence.
It's Saturday night and I am thrilled to not have to get up at 6 until Wednesday! I'm just hanging out, being cozy at home. Just watched the ultra-uplifting film (ha ha), "The Magdalene Sisters". Rented it to listen to the dialect but didn't get to watch it before class... as depressing as it is, it amazes me that those "Laundries" were in operation until 1996. Those girls did nothing wrong, locked away by evil nuns, not even free to speak. It's amazing it went on that long. Catholicism can be some hardcore shit.

I really don't know what else to say... things are good. I've got Voice Acting work on the horizon and I'm not locked in an evil Irish Laundry. But if I were (and they let me speak) I could do a pretty good Dublin dialect!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Congrats Nicki! That sounds great (and you sounded great on Friday, too.) Yay! I'll tell all the Huskie doggies I know to look out for you...

see ya!

- Jim

It's a Rapp said...

Thanks Jim! I'm really excited I get to bark :)
I hope your doggie is doing ok too ♥

Unknown said...

Thanks. She's doing much better this week. Hopefully that was a bizarre anomolie... Good luck!