14 September, 2009

This door is an asshole.

Remember its face. This inanimate object was the denouement to a day layered with suck!
Basically, it was one of those days that I just should not have gotten out of bed.
I awoke before my alarm (yay!) at 5:30 (boo) on a day I usually don't work(gaaaaah).
I felt icky. I'll just lay it out on the table: PMS. Biggest jerk and bully that messes with your brain and turns mild mannered generally happy people into assholes. (Not as much as the door, but we'll get to that later.)
So yea, I'm not that stoked. The hostel is still super packed and I really had to force that smile today...I despise that - because I really love my job, but everything was annoying as hell and all I wanted was for it to be 11:30 so I could close up and come home and chill out. Busy morning, loads of people = YAY! Today = BOOOOOO.
So then I came home from work. It finally ended! It took forever!!!!!
My stomach felt like a clenched fist and all my thoughts were going downhill fast...
I decide to clean! I reached into a drawer in my bathroom and felt the tip of my finger being sliced- a shaver got me. It hurt. Real real bad. Whatever, I put a band aid on it. 5 band aids later it finally stopped bleeding! WTF??!!??
I learned my lesson... no loose shavers in the drawer. A learning experience!
After that ordeal I'm thinking, "Nicki, you gotta get outta here. You gotta get out into the sunshine, and OH! on your way out, you can take out the garbage."
So. I take out the garbage and I exit through the basement door.
YES. THAT DOOR. aka "The Asshole"
I'm almost out when I feel intense pain. A familiar sensation of closing my fingers in the Volvo station wagon door when I was 8.
That door ATTACKED ME!
Have you shut your fingers in a door lately? I hope not, because it hurts A LOT. Like waaay more than you remember. I ran back upstairs, nursing my 2 fingers that the cocksucker door decided it wanted a piece of.... luckily the finger that got shaved was not one of the victims ... but 2 other fingers got it bad. haha I have 2 fully functional fingers on my left hand. RAD.
I felt like a kid trying not to cry.
I iced and I cried. It was not pretty. It is still throbbing now. My poor phalanges are swollen, but at least the dents are going away!

What a day. Sometimes you just need to stay in bed and let the world do its thing... I'm looking forward to a better day tomorrow. It's gotta be better, right?

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