17 June, 2010

Спасибо Саша

Yep. I need a girly fix. Picked the polish cuz it has a rad name. "Sasha". Practically every dude i met in the USSR was tagged this velvety label. Plus, it's a rad shade of red & i'm feelin sassy like a Sasha. What better name for red polish than a sexy traditional Russian name?
Thank you Sasha.

16 June, 2010

a perfect dork with lots of sweets, just for me!!!

Thank you Erina!! You know me really well.
What a rad surprise package, and so full of promise :)
The chocolate is lovely- and you also gave me activities!! So, all I gotta do is put the Dork and "Mr. Perfect Man" in water and they grow. Simple enough.
Funny thing? The Dork grows 600% his size, while "Mr. Perfect Man" only grows 3-4 times his size...

World Cup cake for Breakfast!

Arjen's AANUALLEN! cake. Orangey & delicious.

14 June, 2010

my kind of shopping

FYI: i do not love shopping. However, I will support my friends in this task. Yea, it helps to be a little tipsy... Anthropologie is lovely if you have a gazillion dineros, alas,I do not.
Whatever. 2 margaritas at the Gold Dust & I'm up for almost anything. For now I'll just chill on the gazillion dollar couch.

can you think of anything better to do on a Monday afternoon?

Gold Dust Margarita Happy Hour time

08 June, 2010

Toasted on Polk

Yep, there certainly are some frightening sights over here... he's lucky he didn't get burned!